The Pralls
The records of the Ling Dynasty mention nomadic groups collectively called the Prall that roamed Argentus. Raiding bands circled the continent on longships, while others warred onland. They raided farms, captured livestock, and stayed on the move. They were primitive, warring, and cruel.
The Ling Dynasty
Empress Kogen Ling established rule by claiming Divine Right granted by Ergatum the god of magic. Kogen’s family appeared to be blessed with intelligence beyond that of the Pralls. Kogen brought stability to the surrounding tribes and appointed leaders to establish towns and cities. The Lings rapidly developed wondrous magical items. Fearing that the vicious Prall raids might cause the magic items to fall into the wrong hands, the Lings commissioned architects to house and hide these items.
The Dynasty’s magic society, led by Ankan Ling, broke away from the Lings and began their own Ankan Dynasty south of the mountains. The Ankan never reached the supremacy of the Lings and were eventually quashed by the Lings in the War of Worlds. The defeated Ankans were re-integrated as a satellite state beneath the authority of the Lings. The divergence in dynasties led to a difference in the architecture, dungeons, and arcane relics of the two Dynasties.
In the far south, the Kaelian mages continued their thousand year rituals to keep peace and balance among nature and magic. The Ling and Kaelians hardly interacted.
Around this time, Plainswalking Elves appeared on Argentus and established its two primary Wood Elf Wodes.